Saturday, August 02, 2008

20 Cheap Domain Hosting Hosting Web

When you get web site hosting for free, it is quite likely that the free web hosting has a few hidden costs lurking beneath the surface of the offer. It could be that you end up paying much more for your business web hosting if you fall for these offers than if you had purchased cheap web hosting in the beginning. It is in your best interest to find a web host provider that you feel confident about.

The web hosting service providers listed below are a great place to begin your search for acceptable and affordable web hosting for your business. For a low cost web hosting option, Apollo hosting is a good plan although they are lacking in many of the finer features, such as disk space with 3 GB of disk space and bandwidth with 100 GB of bandwidth. Control panel access is offered through Apollo but that is where the frills end; they make no guarantees concerning uptime. It is important to know that those who are capable of working within these limitations and deal with their own technical issues may find Apollo hosting to be a perfect fit for their budget web hosting needs.

On the other hand, Dot5 web hosting provides an interesting view of how the other half live by offering unlimited bandwidth and 1 TB of disk space. For even more goodwill by a web hosting company, Dot5 gives a free site builder to their customers. If you are looking for a great small business web hosting company this may very well be the one for you.

APlus Hosting is good if you have very specific needs such as Linux web hosting, adult web hosting, dedicated web hosting, and Windows web hosting. This web hosting plan also providers as many as 3 free domains, 190 GB of disk space, and 2.5 TB of bandwidth. According to several web hosting reviews APlus Hosting is a great investment.

Be sure to take a look at PowWeb web hosting before you decide on your business web hosting company. Including great freebies like unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, free point and click website builder, and a free domain name is a great way for PowWeb web hosting to encourage customers to purchase web hosting from them. You can meet and even exceed most of your ecommerce web hosting needs in addition to any other basic web hosting needs with PowWeb.

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